1 min read

Can I take on a second engagement aka a side hustle?


Susie Lee-Kilgariff

Group Head of Marketing

If the role you secure with Stellarmann is part time, you may want to top-up your income by accepting another engagement elsewhere.

Whilst this is OK in principle, in practice, we will need to review whether the additional engagement creates any conflict of interest with the work you’ll be delivering via Stellarmann. If it’s clear that the extra assignment can be completed entirely outside your contracted hours, or you are performing a different role in a different sector, with appropriate firewalls, the chances are this will be acceptable.

Where we have a zero tolerance policy is if you don’t tell us. Part of your contractual agreement with Stellarmann is to disclose any additional engagements so that the relationship remains transparent and honest from the outset.

If in doubt, please speak to your Engagement Delivery Manager. We would all prefer to avoid having to learn this lesson the hard way!

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